Messages from 2018
Back to Message ArchiveAugust 5, 2018
Applying Biblical Ethics in a 21st Century Culture #1
Series: Applying Biblical Ethics in a 21st Century Culture Scripture: Matthew 6:33, Ephesians 5:10, Psalm 68:5, James 1:27, 1 Thessalonians 4:1–3, Proverbs 1:1–5, 1 Kings 3:7–9, 1 Kings 3:16–28, Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 119:105
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July 29, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #22
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 13:1–31, Matthew 6:34, Romans 5:3–4, Nehemiah 12:44, Nehemiah 4:3, Nehemiah 6:17–19, John 2:14–16, Ephesians 4:26, Deuteronomy 23:3–5
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July 22, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #21
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 12:27–47, Romans 6:3–4, Psalm 48:12–14, Galatians 5:22, Philippians 3:1, Ephesians 5:19, John 16:22, Galatians 6:14
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July 8, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #20
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 12:1–26, Nehemiah 11:1–2, Proverbs 16:33, Philippians 4:2–3, Nehemiah 8:1–13, Nehemiah 9:1–5, Nehemiah 9:38, Nehemiah 10:28–39, Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 9:2, Revelation 20:15, Luke 10:20
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July 1, 2018
The Hope of America is the Gospel
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:3–5, Matthew 26:52–53, Romans 1:16, Ephesians 6:12
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June 24, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #19
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 9:36– 10:39, Colossians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:13–17, Mark 16:2, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:1, Matthew 6:21
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June 17, 2018
Father's Day Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 1:27, Isaiah 40:18, 1 Timothy 3:1–4, 1 Timothy 2:11–14, Ephesians 5:24–26, 1 Peter 3:1–7, 1 Corinthians 11:3, 1 Corinthians 11:8–9
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June 10, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #18
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 9:1–37, John 1:1–3, Genesis 12:2, Genesis 15:5, Genesis 2:8–14, Genesis 1:29, James 1:17, 1 Timothy 6:17, Revelation 21:1, Deuteronomy 8:11–17
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June 3, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #17
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 9:1–21, Deuteronomy 18:14, John 6:14, John 7:40, Hebrews 3:3–6, 2 Corinthians 4:6, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 1:6, Ephesians 1:12, Psalm 29:2
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May 27, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #16
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Jonah 3:1–10, Nehemiah 8:1–3, Nehemiah 8:8–11, Deuteronomy 16:14, Nehemiah 9:1–3
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May 20, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #15
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 9:1–6, Luke 18:13, Proverbs 28:13, Psalm 30:11, Psalm 106:6–7, Exodus 14:11–12, Hebrews 13:15, Matthew 15:8–9, Proverbs 14:10
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May 13, 2018
Mother's Day Sermon
Scripture: Proverbs 12:15, 2 Peter 1:13, Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 15:22–32, Proverbs 20:18, Proverbs 24:6, Matthew 7:24–27, James 1:19–20
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May 6, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #14
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1–18, Psalm 43:4, John 17:13, Philippians 4:4, Nehemiah 7:73, Matthew 5:6, Hebrews 3:7–12, Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 119:114
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April 29, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #13
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 7:73– 8:12, Psalm 103:1–5, 2 Peter 1:21, Psalm 51:4, Ephesians 2:1
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April 22, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #12
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 7:1–5, Nehemiah 7:70–71, Nehemiah 6:12–19
April 15, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #11
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 6:15–19, Nehemiah 6:1–9, Nehemiah 6:13–14, Nehemiah 4:1–10, Acts 5:34–39, Philippians 2:12–13, Zechariah 4:10
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April 8, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #10
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 6:1–14, Nehemiah 4:20, Nehemiah 5:9, Luke 6:45, 2 Chronicles 1:6, 1 John 4:1, Philippians 4:13
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April 1, 2018
Easter Sunday Sermon - Take a Look at the Resurrection
Scripture: John 20:1–8, Matthew 28:1–7, Matthew 7:13–14, Isaiah 53:1, Romans 10:16, John 10:9, Luke 24:12, 2 Corinthians 5:21
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March 25, 2018
Palm Sunday Sermon
Scripture: Luke 19:28–40, John 11:55–57, Luke 18:31–33, Luke 9:22–24, Galatians 2:20, John 12:1–8, Zechariah 14:4, 1 Corinthians 4:5, Zechariah 9:9, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Revelation 6:2, 1 Kings 1:33
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March 11, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #9
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Psalm 27:1–5, Nehemiah 5:1–19, Nehemiah 4:9, Nehemiah 4:13, Nehemiah 4:21, Acts 6:1–5, Deuteronomy 24:10–13, Deuteronomy 23:19, Exodus 21:1–11, Colossians 3:5, 1 Timothy 6:10, Nehemiah 6:1
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March 4, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #8
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 4:1–23, Luke 4:13, Nehemiah 2:9, Matthew 17:20–21, Proverbs 24:33, 2 Corinthians 10:5
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February 25, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #7
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Luke 14:25–33, Nehemiah 4:1–8, Nehemiah 6:17–19, Nehemiah 1:3, Psalm 129:1–2
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February 11, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #6
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:14–18, Ephesians 4:16, Nehemiah 2:17–18, Nehemiah 3:1–30, Nehemiah 4:6, Ephesians 2:19–22, 1 Peter 2:5, 1 Corinthians 3:13
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February 4, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #5
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 2:10–20, Proverbs 27:2, Psalm 48:2, Psalm 87:2–3, Acts 20:28, Ephesians 2:19–22, 1 Timothy 3:15, Nehemiah 1:5
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January 28, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #4
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 1:3, Nehemiah 2:1, Nehemiah 2:8, Nehemiah 2:11–12, Proverbs 27:2, Philippians 3:7, Romans 1:16, 1 Timothy 3:15
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January 21, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #3
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1–11, Nehemiah 2:1–10
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January 14, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #2
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1–11
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January 7, 2018
Preparing for the Return of Christ #1
Series: Preparing for the Return of Christ Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1–3, Deuteronomy 7:6–8, Jeremiah 25:12, Jeremiah 29:10, 2 Chronicles 36:15–23, Ezra 1:5–7, Ezra 7:6–10
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