Our Place in this World
This week Pastor James speaks to us about our place in this world. We are commanded to be salt and light. He asks the question "How does a disciple of Jesus Christ have an impact on the world?"....
Keep ReadingThis week Pastor James speaks to us about our place in this world. We are commanded to be salt and light. He asks the question "How does a disciple of Jesus Christ have an impact on the world?"....
Keep ReadingThis week in Sermon on the Mount Part 2, Pastor James goes through more of the Beatitudes. He talks about mercy, purity of heart, being a peacemaker, and persecution. Please take time to listen and think about one that you would like to work on this week. The notes are included with the sermon....
Keep ReadingPastor Bramblet has started a new series entitled The Sermon on the Mountain. He will be taking us verse by verse through Matthew 5 with Biblical exposition and practical life application. We hope that you will join us each Sunday at 11am as we study the Sermon on the Mount....
Keep ReadingJoin us Sunday at 11 am
11:00 am